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Our Programs Areas

RTU in Action

We also partner with some organizations located in different regions of Uganda and with them we manage to reach out to different girls in different parts of the country with the sole aim of supporting them to stay in school until they complete their education.

One-time donations 65%
Recurring donations 44%
Anonymous donations 78%



Hope Nankunda

Our Lady of Africa

Tuhumwire Winfred


Through the counseling programs and school clubs, we are able to guide students about their day to day lives and how they are expected to behave both in school and at home. We sensitize them about the consequences of engaging in early sex and we encourage them to say NO to sexual advances from men as well as report cases of abuse by calling Toll Free 116. Information on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights is shared and this has helped to build their confidence and self-esteem.

We use the same program to educate boys and girls about the dangers associated with child marriage and teenage pregnancy so that they are able to stay in school and complete their education. These programs are also extended to parents and teachers so that they can know the value that comes with educating and keeping the girl child in school. This is done through Parents Teachers Association (PTA) meetings at school and community dialogues with community leaders and


Male Champion

On Menstrual Hygiene


Over 35,000 Girls with Sanitary Pads

In the move to keep girls in school and complete their education, we reach out to vulnerable girls in rural schools and provide them with reusable sanitary towels which are meant to take them for a year before they are given other packets. The number of girls that need support keeps growing as more schools keep seeking our intervention.
We train the girls on how to use these pads and how to keep them clean to avoid infections. Our dream is to be able to train the girls on how to make the reusable sanitary pads themselves for skills development and economic empowerment.
In the last 3 years, we have been able to support 35,000 girls from 120 schools in rural Uganda with reusable sanitary pads and now they are able to attend school every day of the term without being limited by menstruation.


School SRHR


SRHR Outreach


We carry out this program among students in schools and through this intervention, we are spreading information and knowledge to different stakeholders about the challenges of reproductive health faced by teenagers of school going age. The organization has programs on Sexual Reproductive education running in some schools. These are aimed at empowering adolescents with the right information about puberty and behavioral change in general as well as how they can keep themselves safe from teenage pregnancy and child marriage.


Primary School Club


Club Participation

For All Students
We have introduced the “Girls Matter Clubs” in schools with an intention of creating spaces where girls can easily share and discuss issues that affect them. In these clubs we share age appropriate information with girls that specifically addresses their sexual reproductive health issues and how well they should take good care of themselves.
Through the clubs, girls are able to take part in debates and make presentations at community level so that their views can be captured by the community leaders for further action. They are also empowered with information on how to report crime as opposed to being silenced by those who exploit them. This way we are able to identify the wrongdoers in society and take them to the courts of Laws.
The Clubs also include boys so that they are educated about the need to support the girl child to stay in school. Boys are educated about menstruation matters and the fact that it applies to every female including their sisters, cousins, aunties, and mothers therefore they should not humiliate and embarrass the girls once they accidentally stain their uniforms.
This has helped to reduce the level of school dropouts among girls. The clubs have also helped to improve the self- esteem and confidence levels for students. That way they can be able to stand up for their rights and protect themselves from exploitation.


These are designed to bring together teenagers from different schools to share experiences and encourage each other in this journey of education and Life
The Camps also help students to open up to professional counselors for guidance and support. We encourage talent identification and development for students so that they are able to feel motivated. Through the camps students are able to express themselves freely as we always find facilitators that are so friendly and that can come to the level of these students.


Our work on menstrual hygiene management in schools made us realize that some schools lack proper access to water and students have to walk long distances in search for water which not only interferes with their academic performance but also puts the girls at risk of being sexually abused along the way as they search for water. It’s also very hard for a girl in her periods and in a boarding school to be without water. We therefore started a campaign of soliciting for donations of water tank so that we install them in the schools without running water and in the last 1 year, we have been able to support 12 schools with water tanks donated by friends and well- wishers who follow our work on social media and want to help in transforming lives of girls.


Gender inequality persists worldwide, depriving women and girls of their basic rights and opportunities. It has been repeatedly proven that empowering women and girls has a multiplier effect and helps drive up economic growth and development. Achieving gender equality will require greater efforts, including legal frameworks, to counter deeply rooted gender-based discrimination that often results from patriarchal attitudes and related social norms.
We stand against inequality and discrimination of women and Girls because we believe that every one should be able to achieve their true potential no mater their gender. Sustainable Goal Number 5 is our focus as we commit to empower all women and Girls.


Climate Action is urgent at the moment and we are working in partnership with schools to promote Climate Justice and ensure that students in schools get actively involved in planting fruit trees. We are Partnering with 15 schools in Western Uganda with whom we shall be able to plant 500 fruit trees. These will not only protect their school environments but also provide fruits to the students. We are looking out for partners to support our programs on climate education and advocacy.