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We prioritise the mental health and well-being of teenagers and organise sessions that can help to cope. These sessions provide them with necessary tools and support to navigate the challenges they face during this critical stage of development. These sessions offer a safe space for teenagers to express their feelings, learn coping strategies and develop resilience skills to manage stress, anxiety and other mental health issues effectively. 


We all know that teenagers are the ideal changemakers and therefore their mental being must be protected. On 4th May we had a fun filled day with over 200 Teens at Nabisunsa Girls School under the theme; Teens as ideal change makers. We hosted students from different secondary schools both boys and girls and the aim was to equip them with knowledge concerning mental health and caution them to take charge of their well-being. The Young people are encouraged to Stand up and Speak Up as they not only demand for their rights but also take charge of their responsibilities as Teens.


We must all agree that in this modern day and era, teenagers are surrounded with many societal pressures and digital distractions, and this has greatly affected their mental health. Factors like academic stress, peer pressure, family dynamics and social media also contribute to the mental disorders that teenagers face and this brings about feelings of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and suicide sometimes.


Social media has had a great influence on the lives of teenagers in that they wake up to their phones and have no regulation for screen time. They are exposed to different social media platforms that offer them spaces for self-expression and connection. Teenagers are influenced to move with the trend and their fear of missing out hence too much social media use which becomes an addiction that causes sleep deprivation and decreased physical activity hence mental illness. Sharing this important information with students is very important yet we recognise that many parents have not prioritized this need.


The Teen Health Fair presents an opportunity to hold open and honest conversations about mental health and encourage teenagers to seek help when needed. We encourage teenagers to prioritise self-care practices like mindfulness, self-love, exercising and encourage them to have adequate sleep to maintain their mental well-being. We educate teenagers about the effects of social media on their lives and promote digital literacy. This empowers them to use social media mindfully and responsibly. We also provide counselling services to teenagers and support networks so that they can navigate areas surrounding their mental health and develop resilience and coping skills.


In today’s world, teenagers need the knowledge and skills to help them thrive. Therefore, by addressing the challenges that teenagers face and the impact of social media, this equips and empowers them to become advocates for their well-being. Through education, offering support, community engagements and having involved leaders, we can shape our teenagers to be the ideal changemakers of tomorrow.
