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On the 12th of July, we set off on a journey to Terego District for the #Hike4GirlsUg event, a mission that would turn out to be both challenging and profoundly rewarding. Our adventure began as we made our way through the scenic Murchison Falls National Park. The park, with its breathtaking landscapes and the mighty Nile River, provided a majestic backdrop for our journey. 


The drive through the park was not only a visual treat but also a reminder of the natural beauty that Uganda has to offer. I am so grateful to Pepsi for their generous support, providing us with ample drinks to keep us hydrated throughout the hike. Their contribution ensured that both our team and the pupils we met had the refreshments needed to keep going. Seeing the smiles on the children’s faces as they enjoyed the drinks was a heartwarming moment that added to the spirit of our mission. 


As we reached Mt. Wati, the real challenge began. Hiking the mountain was a real test of endurance and willpower. Each step up the rugged terrain felt like a battle against exhaustion and self-doubt. Yet, every time I felt like giving up, I reminded myself of the girls we were supporting—those who menstruate every month without the luxury of comfort and security. This thought fueled my determination, pushing me forward through the toughest parts of the climb. 


The summit of Mt. Wati was a triumph that made every struggle worthwhile.The sense of accomplishment was profound, knowing that our efforts were not in vain but were paving the way for a more dignified experience for girls who face menstrual challenges. Besides, we had two very little young ones, Zoe and Benj, they reached at the peak of Mt. Wati, I can say this was the headline of my happiness to see very young souls committed to end menstrual stigma and made it to the top. Shoutouts to the mother who came with them for the great cause. Our journey didn’t end at the peak. 


We continued to Erewa Primary School, where we engaged with the girls in meaningful conversations about menstruation. The discussions were both enlightening and empowering. Each girl who attended left with a pack of sanitary pads, thanks to the generosity of our supporters. Over 200 girls received these essential items, which will make a significant difference in their lives and school attendance. 


A heartfelt thank you goes to Maama Maggie Kigozi for her support and to Raising Teenagers for their exceptional commitment in mobilizing and organizing this event. Their dedication was crucial in bringing this important cause to life. I also extend my gratitude to all the partners who joined us in this endeavor. Your contributions and commitment played an important role in making #Hike4GirlsUg a resounding success. Together, we made a meaningful impact on the lives of many girls, and for that, we are deeply thankful. 


Dorah Kamwiine, Raising Teenagers Uganda.
