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At Raising Teenagers Uganda, we believe in empowering young girls and strengthening their capacity to demand for their rights.We do this through our Girls Matter clubs where girls are equipped with different life skills that will help them to shape their future. These clubs are student led platforms that aim at promoting gender equality and empowering girls to realize their full potential. We empower girls with Communication and leadership skills so that they can take up leadership roles in their schools and communities.


We have established mentorship programs where girls seek counsel and guidance concerning academics from their mentors and this helps the girls to excel in their studies. Mentorship fosters personal growth and development by encouraging girls to set goals and pursue their passions. Mentors offer guidance to make sure girls set realistic goals and make action plans to achieve them. 


The Girls Matter clubs provide safe spaces for girls where they can freely discuss different topics for example education, health, leadership, social justice, menstruation, gender equality among others. Girls are encouraged to seek guidance especially about career development so that they can make informed decisions and are able to achieve their aspirations. With this knowledge, they are able to create an environment for their growth and expression.


Through our clubs, we work to raise awareness and advocate for positive change in communities. We encourage girls to stand out from their peers and take up spaces within their communities for example to do voluntary work and engage in charity events, by this they are driving positive change. 
