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Another Year has come to an end and we are excited to bring to you our accomplishments for 2023.
We at Raising Teenagers Uganda would appreciate everyone that has supported us in our campaign to Keep Girls in school and End Child Marriage. We have embraced the exceptional role to comes with working in partnership and collaboration with other to address the pressing issues affecting communities today.


Through our school and community Clubs we have empowered young girls with Leadership
skills which has enabled a number of them to compete that take up leadership positions. We have priotize life skills development such as effective communication skills, problem solving, goal setting, time management, resilience so that young people can effectively navigate daily life and achieve personal and professional growth.


This year we have reached out and supported a total number of 8,500 girls with Re usable
sanitary towels through training and menstrual education so that periods don’t become a reason for girls to miss or drop out of school. We have provided guidance and counseling services to over 25,000 school boys and girls. We have reached out to 1300 parents with trainings on Positive parenting practices and 80 Local Leaders with information on Child protection and wellbeing.


At Raising Teenagers Uganda, we recognize the fact that in order to achieve sustainable change and enduring menstrual and gender equality, accurate and empowering education is extremely important not only for women and girls but also for men and boys so that they appreciate the urgent need to address issues of stigma and achieve period equality. With each lesson, we are not only imparting knowledge but also promoting compassion and inclusivity for generations to come.


I take the opportunity to appreciate all the schools that have open their doors to us so that our
school-based programs can be implemented to empower and transform the young generation. To the students, teachers, parents, local leaders and the staff at RTU, I am extremely thankful and look forward to doing even much more in the coming year.


To our Partners and Donors, thank you for supporting our efforts to transform society. We look
forward to impacting on the lives of many more girls as we work towards Keeping Girls in
School to End Child Marriage.
