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Unite For Girls Dinner: Empowering Families Through Positive Parenting

Raising Teenagers Uganda hosted a memorable #UniteForGirls dinner, gathering parents to discuss the critical role of positive parenting in shaping the future of girls. This event was held in commemoration of the International Day of the Girl Child 2024 (#IDGC2024) and it provided a platform for dialogue and reflection on the essential role families play in promoting the well-being and success of girls.


As the dinner commenced, the atmosphere was filled with warmth as parents, guardians and child advocates came together to share stories, experiences and strategies for nurturing girls into confident, empowered young women. The theme for the night was “Positive Parenting: small moments, big impact; that is parenting’’ emphasizing the impact that supportive, nurturing and involved parenting has on girls’ mental, emotional and academic growth.


Throughout the session, our key speaker Mrs. Monica Arinaitwe who is an expert in child psychology, education and health, addressed some of the most pressing issues faced by girls today. Topics covered included building strong parent-child relationships, open communication about sensitive subjects like menstruation and reproductive health and the importance of parental guidance in academic and career decisions.


One of the highlights of the evening was a powerful testimonial from a mother who shared how positive parenting transformed her relationship with her teenage daughter, improving trust and communication in their home. Her story resonated with many attendees, who also expressed their challenges in balancing discipline with emotional support.


In her keynote speech, Raising Teenagers Uganda’s Executive Director madam Hope Nankunda underscored the importance of creating safe and supportive environments at home. “Positive parenting is not just about providing material needs,” she said, “It’s about being present in your children’s lives, showing them unconditional love, and preparing them for a world where they can thrive, despite the challenges they face as girls.” The dinner also provided an opportunity for interactive discussions where parents could ask questions, seek advice and share their own parenting journeys.


Many expressed a renewed commitment to being more involved in their children’s lives and pledged to continue advocating for the rights and dignity of girls, not just in their homes, but within their communities. As the event ended, the atmosphere was charged with hope and optimism. The #UniteForGirls dinner was not just a celebration of the International Day of the Girl Child; it was a call to action for parents to take an active role in fostering a brighter, more equitable future for their daughters.


Attendees left the event feeling inspired and equipped with practical tools and knowledge to practice positive parenting and champion girls’ rights at home and beyond. By bringing together families for this important conversation, Raising Teenagers Uganda reaffirmed its commitment to building a supportive ecosystem for girls, one that begins at home and extends into every facet of their lives. This dinner was a stepping stone in the ongoing journey to ensure that every girl is given the chance to succeed, empowered by the love and support of her family.
