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United For Protection - Brave Movement Uganda

In commemoration of this year’s International Day of the Girl Child, Raising Teenagers Uganda in partnership with allies under the Brave Movement Uganda, took a decisive step towards ending childhood sexual violence and promoting children’s rights. As part of the pre- celebration, we visited Kiswa Primary School to launch our campaign titled “United for Protection: Elevating Advocates and Erasing Harmful Practices.” This campaign underscores our deep commitment to safeguarding children and ensuring that every child is protected, valued, and empowered. The pillars of our campaign focus on three key areas: addressing harmful practices, influencing policy, supporting the well-being of survivors, and empowering advocates. These pillars are designed to tackle the root causes of childhood sexual violence, raise awareness and foster a safer environment for children. The outreach at Kiswa Primary School served as a platform to not only introduce this initiative but also engage with the young learners, teachers and community members on the importance of child protection.


Addressing harmful practices

One of the campaign’s primary goals is to address the harmful practices that perpetuate sexual violence against children. Many children, especially girls, are vulnerable to various forms of abuse, ranging from early marriage, child labour, and exploitative traditions, to domestic violence. These practices not only rob children of their innocence but also deny them the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling life. During our outreach at Kiswa Primary School, we engaged the students in interactive sessions to raise awareness about harmful practices and how to identify and report cases of abuse. We used age-appropriate storytelling, skits and role-playing activities to help them understand the dangers of such practices. We emphasized the message that their bodies are their own and that they have the right to say no to any form of inappropriate behaviour. We also encouraged them to reach out to trusted adults if they ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable.


Influencing Policy

While raising awareness at the grassroots level is crucial, influencing policy at the national level is equally important. Our campaign aims to advocate for stronger laws and policies that protect children from sexual violence. In Uganda, although there are laws in place to protect children, enforcement is often weak, and many cases go unreported or unresolved due to stigma, fear or lack of resources. Through our partnership with the Brave Movement Uganda and other child rights organizations, we are working to push for policy reforms that ensure stricter penalties for perpetrators, better support systems for survivors and greater accountability from institutions. By collaborating with lawmakers, educators and community leaders, we hope to create a more robust legal framework that not only punishes offenders but also prioritizes the protection and well-being of children.


Well-being of survivors and advocates

Another critical pillar of our campaign is the well-being of survivors and advocates. Childhood sexual violence leaves lasting scars on survivors, both physically and emotionally. Many survivors struggle with trauma, shame and the feeling of being silenced. As part of our outreach, we emphasize the importance of creating safe spaces for survivors to heal and rebuild their lives. We are committed to providing survivors with access to counselling, medical care and social support networks. Our campaign also recognizes the critical role advocates play in this fight. Advocates, whether they are teachers, community leaders or activists need support to continue their efforts. We are dedicated to equipping advocates with the tools and resources they need to offer holistic care to survivors while also taking care of their own well-being.


Elevating Advocates

Empowering advocates is a key part of our strategy. By elevating the voices of those working tirelessly to end childhood sexual violence, we hope to build a strong, united front that challenges the status quo. Advocates are the frontline defenders of children’s rights, and our campaign seeks to amplify their work, provide them with training on child protection and connect them with networks of like-minded individuals and organizations. At Kiswa Primary School, we held discussions with teachers and community members on how they can become stronger advocates for child protection. We emphasized the importance of reporting cases of abuse, standing up for vulnerable children and ensuring that schools and homes are safe environments for children to grow and thrive.


Standing Together to #EndChildSexualViolence

Every child deserves to feel safe, valued and empowered. The campaign launch at Kiswa Primary School marks the beginning of a united effort to end childhood sexual violence, with a focus on advocacy, awareness and action. Through our partnerships, community engagement, and policy influence, we are standing together to make a difference. Together, we are saying no to harmful practices, supporting survivors and empowering the next generation to lead a life free from violence. Our commitment to #EndChildSexualViolence is unwavering, and with each step forward, we are creating a safer, more just world for children.
